Nyarela-to-litokelo tsa molao ke pitso bulehile e re thusang hore litokelo tsa molao tsa batlhatlhobibagolo fumana bonono pele; e bontša hore di-call bulehile ka sebelisoa ka lilemo tse fetang mathata bolela lintho esale pele.
Litokelo tsa molao tsa batlhatlhobibagolo na le mosebetsi o boima. Ba fumana terse, litlhaloso lawyerly ea qapiloeng tse ncha, 'me joale lokela ho etsa qeto ha ho qaptjoa o ile a re ke "lipale." Ke hore, ea hlahlobang lokela ho etsa qeto ha ho na le "pele bonono" -e leng neng a hlalosa phetolelo ea ena qaptjoa-e neng e tla fetolela sisintsweng litokelo tsa molao tsa lefeela. Ho utloisisa kamoo sena sebetsang, a re hlahlobeng litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang bitsoang Albert, ho tlotla Albert Einstein ileng a e qala hae ka Switzerland Patent Office. Albert o ne a amohela kōpo ea joaloka US Patent 20070118658 filed ka Hewlett Packard bakeng sa "User-selectable falimehetse taolo ya fomate" 'me a hlalosa ka ho pharaletseng bukeng Beth Noveck a Wiki Government (2009) . Mona 's ea reng pele ba tsoang ya kopo:
"A tsamaiso ea lik'homphieutha, se se akaretsang: a lab; ea motheo input / tsamaiso khumo (BIOS) ho akarelletsa litaelo tse ling tse utloahalang tseo e leng, ha bolaoa ke lab eo, configure ea lab to: qapa matla mabapi le mamella teko ho intša (Post) lokisa mosebetsing o ka sehloohong tsamaiso input / tlhagiso ya sesebediswa sa dikhomphiutha; ea hona joale e le 'ngoe kapa ho feta rulaganya falimehetse taolo ya a segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo mosebedisi; fumana kgetho pontšo ho tloha ya mosebedisi khethollang e mong oa rulaganya ba falimehile taolo ya hlahiswa ka segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo mosebedisi; le configure sesebediswa sa tsamaisana tsamaiso ea dikhomphiutha na le taolo khetholloa falimehetse fomate. "
Lokela Albert khau 20 selemong sa natswe litokelo tsa ho ba litokelo tsa molao ona kapa e na le 'nile bonono pele? Lithupeng a liqeto tse ngata litokelo tsa molao tse phahameng, empa ka bomalimabe, Albert tla lokela ho etsa qeto ena ntle boholo ba boitsebiso bo le hore a ka hlokang. Ka lebaka la backlog ea tonanahali ka dipatente Albert sebetsa tlas'a le matla haholo nako khatello le lokela ho etsa qeto ea hae thehiloeng lihora tse 20 feela ea mosebetsi oa. Ho ekelletsa moo, ka lebaka la ho hlokahala hore a 'ne e sisintsweng ho qaptjoa sephiring, Albert o sa lumelloa ho buisana le litsebi ka ntle (Noveck 2006) .
Boemo bona bo otla molao moprofesa Beth Noveck joalokaha robehileng ka ho feletseng. Ka July 2005, o ile a bululela e sa fella ka Wikipedia, o ile a bōpa ya blog poso ba e biditseng "Lithaka-to-Patent: A tlhahiso Inyenyefatsang" bitsitseng bakeng bulehileng tsamaiso ea lithaka-tekolo botjha bakeng dipatente. Ka mor'a hore tshebedisano le Patent US le letshwao la kgwebo Office le o nkisang lik'hamphani tse thekenoloji tse kang IBM, Lithaka-to-Patent ile thakholoa ka June oa 2007. A ka bang 200 selemo se tsamaiso ya puso ea khale 'muso le sehlopha sa liakhente bonahala joaloka sebaka hlola a batla popontshwa , empa ea lithaka-to-Patent etsang mosebetsi o ratehang oa go lekalekanyo thahasello e mong le e mong oa.
Mona 's kamoo e ea sebetsang (Figure bwa nzoto 5.9). Ka mor'a hore moqapi o lumela ho ba le kopo ea hae ea ho pholletsa tekolo botjha motsana oa heso (eketsehileng mabapi le hore na ke hobane'ng a ka etsa seo ka motsotsoana), kopo e beha ho setsheng sa inthanete ya. Ka mor'a moo, kōpo ea e tšohloa ke e sekasekwa motsana oa heso (hape, tse eketsehileng mabapi le hore na ke hobane'ng e ka 'na kenya letsoho ka motsotsoana) le mehlala ea ho khoneha bonono pele ba teng, dilated,' me uploaded ho setsheng sa inthanete ya. Tshebetso ena ea puisano, patlisiso, le uploading tsoela pele, ho fihlela, qetellong, ea sechaba le e sekasekwa dikgetho ho khetha top likotoana 10 of bonono belaela pele tse romeloa ho ba le litokelo tsa hlahlobang bakeng sa tekolo botjha. Le litokelo tsa hlahlobang ntan'o khanna etsa lipatlisiso hae le ka hammoho le oa ea ditshwaelo go tswa Lithaka-to-Patent fetolela kahlolo.
Khutlang hape ho US Patent 20070118658 bakeng sa "User-selectable falimehetse taolo ya fomate." Litokelo tsa molao ona o ile uploaded ho peertopatent.org ka June 2007 moo ho neng ho baloa ka Steve Pearson, moholo e Software moenjiniere bakeng IBM. Pearson ne a tseba sebaka sena tsa liphuputso le tsebahatsa sekhechana sa bonono pele: buka ea litaelo tsoang Intel ba e biditseng "Active Management Technology: Quick Reference Guide" eo e ile ea hatisoa ka lilemo tse peli pele ho moo. Hlometseng ka tokomane ena, hammoho le tse ling tse bonono pele le puisano ho tloha Lithaka-to-Patent setjhaba, e litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang qala ho lekolwa botjha ho phethahetseng oa joalo, 'me qetellong o ile a lahlela ka ntle le litokelo tsa kopo, karolong lebaka la buka ea litaelo Intel hore o ile a teng ke Pearson (Noveck 2009) . Linyeoeng tse 66 hore qetile Lithaka-to-Patent hoo e ka bang 30% ba ne ba hana ho khetheha thehiloeng bonono pele fumanoa pholletsa Lithaka-to-Patent (Bestor and Hamp 2010) .
Ke'ng e etsang hore ho etseng lipolane tsa lithaka-to-Patent haholo-holo elegantne ke tsela eo e fumana batho ba nang le mesebetsi e amanang le mangata a loantsanang ho tantsa bohle hammoho. Baqapi ba le tsusumetso ho ba le seabo ena bulehetse litokelo tsa molao tsa tekolo botjha hobane le litokelo tsa ofisi hlahloba dikopo Lithaka-to-Patent ka potlako ho feta dipatenteng eang ho pholletsa le setso, sephiri tekolo botjha tshebetso. E sekasekwa na ba tsusumetso ea hore kenya letsoho e le hore a thibele dumelletswe ho "dipatenteng nang molemo phepong," 'me batho ba bangata ho ne ho bonahala ba fumana tshebetso e be e thabisang. Qetellong, litokelo tsa molao tsa ofisi le litokelo tsa molao batlhatlhobibagolo na ba tsusumetso ea hore kenya letsoho hobane e ka feela etsa diphetho tsa bona hamolemo. Ke hore, haeba ho lekola botjha motsana oa heso tiriso ya thulaganyo fumana 10 likotoana tse mpe tsa bonono pele, mosebetsi ona ka hlokomoloha ke litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang. Ka mantsoe a mang, Lithaka-to-Patent le e litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang sebetsa hammoho e lokela ho ba batho ba lokileng kapa molemo ho feta litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang sebetsa ho itšehla thajana. Kahoo, di-call bulehetse hase kamehla nka sebaka litsebi; Ka linako tse ling ba thusa litsebi tsa etse mosebetsi oa bona hamolemo.
Le hoja lithaka-to-Patent ka bonahala fapaneng ho feta ea Netflix Moputso le Foldit, e na le sebopeho sa e tšoanang a litharollo tse bonolo ho hlahloba feta hlahisa. Ka lekhetlo le leng motho e mong hlahisa buka ea litaelo "Active Management Technology: Quick Reference Guide 'ho ke ke ba bonolo-bakeng sa litokelo tsa molao tsa hlahlobang, bonyane-ho netefatsa hore tokomane ena e pele bonono. Leha ho le joalo, ho fumana buka ea litaelo eo e thata haholo. Ea lithaka-to-Patent e boetse e bontša hore ditherisano tse pepeneneng diporojeke pitso lia khoneha esita le ho etsa mesebetsi e boima eo e seng hlakile hore amenable ho quantification.