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5.4.2 PhotoCity

PhotoCity solves data àgwà na nlele nsogbu na-ekesa data collection.

Weebụsaịtị dị ka Flickr na Facebook ndị mmadụ nwee ike ịkọrọ foto na ndị enyi ha na ndị ezinụlọ ha, ma ha nwekwara ike ike nnukwu repositories nke photos nwere ike ji mee ọzọ na nzube. Dị ka ihe atụ, Agarwal et al. (2011) agbali iji ndị a photos ka "Mee Rome ke a Day" site na iji 150,000 foto nke Rome ike a 3D nwughari nke obodo. N'ihi njem nleta saịtị dị ka Egwuregwu nke dị n'Ogige e nwere ezu foto online iji na-emepụta 3D ụdị (ọgụgụ 5.10), ma na àgwà nke ndị a reconstructions dị ụkọ site na eziokwu na ọtụtụ photos e si n'otu iconic echiche, na-ahapụ akụkụ ụfọdụ nke ụlọ unphotographed. Ọzọkwa, n'ihi na ọtụtụ akụkụ nke obodo, ezughị photos dị. N'ihi ya, na-eji hụrụ data site na foto repositories, ọ bụ ekwe omume recreate nile nke Rome. Ma, ọ bụrụkwanụ na afọ ofufo nwere ike kpọọrọ na-anakọta ndị dị mkpa photos n'ezie "Mee Rome ke a Day"?

Ọgụgụ 5,10: A 3-D nwughari nke Egwuregwu nke dị n'Ogige site na nnukwu set nke 2-D oyiyi si oru ngo Building Rome ke a Day. The triangles anọchite anya ndị na ọnọdụ site na nke foto e weere (Agarwal et al. 2011).

Ọgụgụ 5,10: A 3-D nwughari nke Egwuregwu nke dị n'Ogige site na nnukwu set nke 2-D oyiyi si oru ngo "Building Rome ke a Day". The triangles anọchite anya ndị na ọnọdụ site na nke foto e weere (Agarwal et al. 2011) .

Iji nwee ezubere iche collection of ọnụ ọgụgụ buru ibu nke photos, Kathleen Tuite na ndị ọrụ ibe mepụtara PhotoCity, a photo-ebugote egwuregwu. One mara mma akụkụ nke PhotoCity bụ na ọ mere ka ike nwere ike agwụ ha ike ọrụ nke data collection-ebugote photos-n'ime a egwuregwu-dị ka ọrụ ndị metụtara ìgwè, castles, na flags (ọgụgụ 5.11). The imewe nke PhotoCity na-elegantly solves ụfọdụ na data àgwà ịma aka nke eBird na ndị ọzọ na-ekesa data collection oru ngo.

Chepụta 5,11: PhotoCity tụgharịa ndị nwere agwụ ha ike ọrụ nke obon data (i.e., na-ebugote photos) ma tụgharịa ya n'ime a egwuregwu (Tuite et al. 2011).

Ọgụgụ 5,11: PhotoCity tụgharịa ndị nwere agwụ ha ike ọrụ nke obon data (ie, na-ebugote photos) ma tụgharịa ya n'ime a egwuregwu (Tuite et al. 2011) .

PhotoCity mbụ deployed nwee a 3D nwughari nke abụọ mahadum: Cornell University na University of Washington. Player na onye ọ bụla campus nwere ike inyocha nke ugbu a ala nke nwughari nlereanya nke ha campus. Mgbe ahụ, ha nwere ike irite ihe site na-ebugote oyiyi na mụbaa nke ugbu a nlereanya. Dị ka ihe atụ, ọ bụrụ na nke ugbu a nlereanya nke Uris Library (na Cornell) bụ nnọọ patchy, a player nwere ike irite ihe site na-ebugote ọhụrụ foto nke ya. Critically, na photos na uploaded ga yitewere na ẹdude photos ka ha nwee ike ka ọ dị irè, ọnụ ọgụgụ isi ihe ndị a player natara dabeere na ego na ha photo-agbakwụnye na ugbu a nlereanya. N'ikpeazụ, ndị nnyocha nwee ike iji ndị a uploaded photos ike akwa mkpebi 3D ụdị nke ụlọ na ma campuses (ọgụgụ 5.12).

Ọgụgụ 5,12: The PhotoCity game nyeere-eme nnyocha na sonyere ike elu-edu 3D ụdị nke ụlọ iji photos uploaded site sonyere (Tuite et al. 2011).

Ọgụgụ 5,12: The PhotoCity game nyeere-eme nnyocha na sonyere ike elu-edu 3D ụdị nke ụlọ iji photos uploaded site sonyere (Tuite et al. 2011) .

The imewe nke PhotoCity elegantly solves nsogbu abụọ: data nkwado na nlele. Akpa, photos e irè site kenha ha megide gara aga photos nke di n'aka adịkwa ka aga na photos n'ụzọ nile laghachi na nkpuru photos na uploaded site na-eme nnyocha. Ndị ọzọ okwu, n'ihi na nke a wuru na-redundancy, ọ bụ nnọọ ike maka usoro na-anabata ihe ọjọọ data. Nke abụọ, isi usoro ndammana azụ sonyere na-anakọta kacha oké ọnụ ahịa-abụghị ndị kasị adaba-data. N'ezie, ebe a bụ ụfọdụ n'ime atụmatụ dị iche iche na egwuregwu a kọwara na iji na iji kpatakwuo ihe, nke bụ Ẹkot achịkọta ihe bara uru data (Tuite et al. 2011) :

  • "[M na-agbalị] ịgụta oge nke ụbọchị na ọkụ na ụfọdụ foto weputa gi; a ga-nyere aka gbochie jụrụ egwuregwu. Na na kwuru, urukpuru ụbọchị ndị kasị mma dị nnọọ mgbe emeso nkuku n'ihi na obere iche nyeere egwuregwu ọnụ ọgụgụ ndị na-jiometrị m foto. "
  • "Mgbe ọ bụ anwụ na-acha, m tinye n'ọrụ m igwefoto si mgbochi shake atụmatụ na-ekwe ka m na-photos mgbe eje ije gburugburu otu mpaghara. Nke a mere ka m na-crisp photos mgbe enweghị ike ịkwụsị m stride. Ọzọkwa bonus: erughị ndị mmadụ legidere m! "
  • "Inweta ọtụtụ foto nke otu ụlọ na 5 megapixel igwefoto, mgbe ahụ, na-abịa n'ụlọ n'okpuru, mgbe ụfọdụ ruo 5 gigs on a izu ụka oge ịse, bụ isi foto kpọọ atụmatụ. -Ahazi photos on mpụga ike mbanye nchekwa site campus region, ewu, mgbe ahụ ihu nke ụlọ nyere ezi hierarchy ka Ọdịdị uploads. "

Okwu a na si sonyere na-egosi na mgbe ha na-nyere kwesịrị ekwesị nzaghachi, ha we buru nnọọ ọkachamara na-achịkọta data ịmasị na-eme nnyocha.

N'ozuzu, PhotoCity oru ngo na-egosi na ụfọdụ na data àgwà na-adịghị na-agaghị emerili nsogbu na-ekesa data collection. Ọzọkwa, ọ na-egosi na-ekesa data collection oru ngo na-ejedebeghị na ihe aga-eme ka ndị mmadụ na-ama na-eme na agbanyeghị, dị ka na-ekiri nnụnụ. Na na nri imewe, ọrụ afọ ofufo na a pụrụ ịkpali ime ihe ndị ọzọ kwa.